Container-Type Sludge Dryer

  • Reduce sludge moisture from 83% to 10%, with sludge weight reduction by 75%. Save transportation cost.
  • Control processing temperature under 75ºC with outlet dried sludge temperature below 50ºC. Intrinsic safe and no explosion worries.
  • Zero odor emission and sterilization rate higher than 90%. Eco-friendly.
  • Low electricity consumption: 0.5 kWh/kg.H2O. High efficiency.
Sunstate Inc De-Watering Sludge Dryer Shincci USA

Low Temperature Container-type Sludge Dryer

(1) 83% : 10%

Reduce sludge moisture from 83% to 10%, with sludge weight reduction by 75%. Save transportation cost.

(2) 75ºC / 50ºC

Control processing temperature under 75ºC with outlet dried sludge temperature below 50ºC. Intrinsic safe and no explosion worries.

(3) 0 / 90%

Zero odor emission and sterilization rate higher than 90%. Eco-friendly.

(4) 0.5 : 1

Low electricity consumption: 0.5 kWh/kg.H2O. High efficiency.

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Client Information

Treatment Plant Name (required):

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Phone Number (required)

Street Address:

City: State: Zip:


Sludge Information

Current Capacity:

Design Capacity:

Liquid Sludge Generation:

Liquid Sludge Wasting:

Liquid Sludge % Total Solids:
% or mg/liter

Liquid Sludge Hauling Cost:

Liquid Sludge Tipping Fee:

Sludge Cake Generation:
US Ton/Day

Sludge Cake & Total Solids:

Fate of Sludge Cake:

Sludge Cake Hauling Cost:

Sludge Cake Tipping Fee:

Electrical Cost:

Additional Info: